“Good Vibes” vs. “Bad Vibes” - What’s it Really All About?
Understand the Energy in
Your Home, Office, and Rooms
Everything is energy including the things that we can’t see like the space around us and the atoms and particles that make up everything.
Just because we perceive something as empty or open space does not mean that it is actually empty. It is all part of a big beautiful web of energy vibrating at different frequencies.
The phrases “good vibes” and “bad vibes” are really describing the frequency of an energetic vibration that you are perceiving or feeling around you from a person or environment.
Let’s break that down a little further - again, everything is energy - including your emotions, thoughts & feelings. They all have an energetic vibration.
When a person is really positive, happy and joyful, you feel “good vibes” from them. They feel lighter and it feels good to be around their uplifting energy. That is because you are feeling higher frequency vibrations. It feels good because that is our natural state - the way we were as babies - a bright light in the world.
Subtle energy in environments
The same concept applies to spaces. When you walk into a space that feels dense or like something bad has happened there, you are feeling the “subtle energies” in that space - the “bad vibes”. These are lower frequency vibrations that were left there from an argument, a traumatic event or even someone’s bad attitude or negative outlook.
Some people are more sensitive to subtle energy and some do not feel a difference at all. Both are perfectly fine, but it is important to know that the energy in your space is influencing your life whether you are aware of it or not.
A space clearing or, as I like to call it, “home energy healing”, is a great way to clear away any “bad vibes” and infuse your space with all the “good vibes”.
As mentioned, even though the space around us may look empty, it is actually an intricate web of perceivable (visible) energy and subtle (unseen) energy. So, just like you keep your space clean by dusting, it’s important to clean up the energy in your space with space clearing.
Just like dust bunnies gather in corners, nooks, and crannies - stagnant, dense or lower vibrations (bad vibes) can hang out in your space and around you.
Energy clearing (of a space or person) involves breaking up any subtle energy that feels stagnant or stuck (like the energy is not flowing smoothly); getting the energy moving again and flowing smoothly; while removing anything negative or lower vibration.
Once a space is “clear”, the most important part of a home energy healing is filling your space with amazing, tangible good vibes. This could be the energy of love, happiness, joy, abundance or anything else that you want to set an a positive intention for your space and your life.
The popular phrases “Good Vibes Only” and “No Bad Vibes” are describing the subtle energy and vibrational frequency of emotions, thoughts, and actions that can be felt by many people.
“Good vibes” carry a higher frequency and are associated with positive emotions, thoughts and energy which “bad vibes” result from lower frequency thoughts, emotions and actions like jealously, hatred, and other negative feelings.
You can create a space and life that is full of good vibes by practicing mindfulness of your thoughts, feelings and actions and keeping your frequency high through gratitude, love, and kindness. You also have the power to clear and “bad vibes” through intention and a space clearing ceremony.