Tampa / St Petersburg Florida Feng Shui Consultation
Feng Shui Interior Design St. Petersburg Fl.
You are not separate from your home - you are inextricably and energetically connected. Your home impacts the energy in your entire life, and your home is a mirror of your life and the energy in your environment.
In our meetings we will tour your space, tuning into the energy and discussing feng shui remedies and recommendations to help you achieve your goals and manifest the life you want. Every aspect of your life or the life of your business is directly related to a physical place in your home, office, studio or shop. During our consultation, I will make recommendations and suggestions based on my experience, intuition and the Bagua Map. This is the Feng Shui floor plan which divides your space into nine energy centers directly corresponding to nine important areas of your life. The changes I recommend will bring about positive energy flow and balance in your space, resulting in changes and big shifts in your life. You will leave the consultation feeling empowered, informed and excited to for what lies ahead!
“With Christina’s visionary guidance and an eye for design, the adjustments she suggested have had a powerfully positive impact on the energy of my home. I can remember a distinct feeling of “I got this” along with the accomplishments already made to further my life goals are off and running! You should take the opportunity to have her work with you in your home. You won’t regret it.”
— Stephanie B.
Christina Barthelemy - Feng Shui Designer
My name is Christina Barthelemy.
I am Holistic 5D designer, feng shui practitioner, and crystal lover on a mission to bring more light into the world through design.
I love assisting others in creating lovely places and have discovered that modifying your space may help you live the life you desire.
I use a comprehensive approach to interior design, considering all of your requirements - mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual - and provide a calm, encouraging energy to each client. I utilize my intuition and skill for balancing space while bringing interiors together to find the ideal solution that satisfies your demands and expectations. I’m organized, thorough, and take a positive approach to design challenges; supporting you every step of the way.
“Getting a reading done by a feng shui consultant can be enlightening, but it just doesn’t work the same for everybody. For some people, it provides clarity, and for others, it’s simply a way to feel that something is being done about a problem present in the home. Either way, most people who use this service will find something of value.”
What To Expect From A Feng Shui Consultation?
Christina offers several tips that anyone can use to improve their home's Feng Shui, regardless of whether or not they live in Florida:
-Start by decluttering your home. This will help you to get rid of any negative energy that may be trapped inside.
-Pay attention to the colors in your home. Each color has a different meaning and can influence your mood in different ways.
-Feng Shui your furniture by placing it in a way that promotes good energy flow.
-Be sure to include some plants in your home. Plants represent growth and life, so they can help to bring positive energy into your space.
By following these simple tips, you can start to experience the benefits of Feng Shui in your own life. If you're ready to take your Feng Shui practice to the next level, contact Christina Barthelemy to schedule a consultation. She would be more than happy to help you achieve balance and harmony in your life.
These are just a few of the things we will cover!