Clutter clearing & Visually Detoxing Your Space
Clutter Clearing
Your Home, Office, and Rooms
We are constantly taking in visual information & stimuli consciously and subconsciously from our environment.
Have you ever visited or vacationed somewhere with nothing but a beautiful landscape around? Did you feel that sense of relief and relaxation as you took in the beautiful scenery? That’s the feeling of your mind resting and your spirit connecting to nature.
In contrast, think of your daily commute. How many billboards litter the side of the road and how many business signs do you drive past- countless numbers, I’m sure. Whether or not you’re paying attention to them, you are subconsciously soaking in information, words, colors, etc. and often overloaded with visual information.
So, wouldn’t it be nice and relaxing to come home to a space that’s clean and clear and allows our minds to rest?
Think about the things in your home. Are you surrounding yourself with positive messages, things and people you love, relaxing, comforting textures? Or are you surrounded by too much stuff, negative messages on book spines, uncomfortable furnishings? Take some time to assess your space and really tune into how it makes you feel.
How to create a space that feels peaceful and safe
Your surroundings should give you a sense of security and peace and support the person you are and who you are becoming.
Here is a quick line of questioning that you can use to clutter clear your home and create a more balanced, blissful space:
Do I use this item? Does it serve a functional purpose?
- If your answer is no, then donate, give away or throw away (only if it’s in poor condition or is no longer usable). is a great resource to find local charities in your area.
- If your answer is yes, ask yourself the following…
Do I have more than one of these items?
Do I need all of them or will one be sufficient? Only keep what you need and pick your favorite. No one needs 6 staplers at home- right?!
Do I love this item?
- If your answer is no, then donate, give away or throw away (only if it’s in poor condition or is no longer usable).
- If your answer is yes, take care of this item and find a proper, organized home for it.
Is Clutter Clearing Part of Instinctive Feng Shui©
Absolutely! It is one of the first and most important steps in applying Feng Shui to your interior. The practice of Feng Shui is all about balancing and harmonizing energy in your space and clutter is a MAJOR energy zapper that drains, depletes, and blocks the flow of positive energy in your home and in your life.
Not only does clutter impact your physical space, but it also drains YOU - mentally, physically, and energetically - even if you are not aware of it’s affects.
In order to align your space and your life with good fortune, abundance, and bliss, it is crucial to tackle your clutter so that you can create an environment that feels bright, uplifting, and energetically balanced. This positive energy will carry throughout every aspect of your life.
To add extra “juice” and impact to your clutter clearing, focus on each area of the Bagua Map as you clear those areas of your home and clear them with intention. For example, if your bedroom is in the Wealth corner of your home, set an intention like this one as your clear your clutter:
“I set the intention to remove any and all blocks known and unknown to wealth and abundance across all space, time, and reality. And so it is.”
I always like to add the bit about “all space, time, and reality” to really cover all bases with my intentions. Ending with “And so it is.” affirms to the Universe that you know and believe it is already done. - Just a few manifesting tips!
The Bagua Map is the Feng Shui floor plan. Want to know how to apply this to your home? Click here!
More on Clutter Clearing
Your physical space embodies energy that manifests and influences your life. Clearing and purging your space creates room for new energy and new opportunities in your life.
source: Container Store
If every cabinet, drawer, closet and space is stuffed to the brim or full- you are sending the message “ I have more than enough” or “ I have too much” to the Universe and the energy in your home and consequentially, your life, can become stagnant. You may feel stuck or ready for change in some area of your life. Or you may lack abundance and the ability to manifest your desires.
By clearing your space and releasing anything that no longer serves you, you are removing old, stuck or negative energy and inviting new opportunities into your life.
You have the ability to influence dramatic change in your life through changing your environment and clutter clearing is an excellent way to start! By releasing things that you do not need, love, or use as well as items that no longer resonate with who you are and who you are becoming, you will be opening the door to opportunities, blessings, and fresh energy!