What Is Space Clearing?
Space Clearing
Your Home, Office, Rooms, and Outside
Space clearing is the act of energetically cleaning your space to manifest blessings and bliss in your life. Everything is energy including our thoughts, emotions, and actions. They all leave an energetic imprint in spaces like your home, office, and every building you’ve ever visited. That imprint is especially important in your home because it has a direct impact on you and everyone who lives there.
Have you ever walked into a room and felt tension in the air? You were sensing the energy from the people, objects & events in that space – past and present. You may not have seen that energy, but you felt it through your subtle senses and you probably had a reaction to it. We’re so much more than our physical bodies. We’re energetic beings in physical form, and we can be influenced and affected by the energy in our space. So, it’s important to make sure that our environment has a positive influence on us. Enter, space clearing!
Space clearing is like energetically dusting your house except that the “dust bunnies” are things like stress, tension, self-doubt, and other lower vibrational energies that are hanging around your space and pulling you down.
If you don’t frequently clean, open the windows, let sunlight in, sweep or do any space clearing practices, there’s going to be stagnant energy in your home. There could also be a buildup of anger, stress, grief, or any other strong emotion lingering in your space. This is especially true if something low vibe happens repeatedly like intense arguing or if you’re always stressing over the nightly news, worrying about finances, or your relationship struggles. These feelings can circle and create an energetic loop that can pull you right back into that negative thought pattern or dark cloud and have a negative impact on your life in numerous ways.
By preforming a space clearing ritual, you can remove, transmute, shift and uplift the energy in your space and get everything moving and flowing in a positive direction. Not only will you feel better in your house, but you will actually experience positive changes in your life! You are THAT amazing & powerful!
Does Space Clearing Work
Yes! Space clearing absolutely works, and it has a HUGE impact on your life, especially when you set a very clear, positive intention for the energy that you want to bring into your space & your life – more on that in a minute!
When a space has been cleared or energetically cleaned, many people are able to feel and see the difference. Colors appear more vibrant. The room looks brighter and the air feels lighter and fresher. People who are more sensitive to the energy around them sense a lighter, brighter, more uplifting, and positive atmosphere.
The REAL magic begins when changes manifest in your life after the clearing. I performed a space clearing for clients who desperately wanted to sell their home to downsize and pursue their goal of opening their dream business together. It had been on the market for quite some time, and they had only received a low-ball offer that simply wasn’t an option. The next day after the clearing, they received an incredible offer and have since sold their house, moved, and are pursuing their dream!
Another client who owns a beauty salon was having trouble selling products and had a less-than-favorable neighbor that was affecting her business – a noisy illegal casino – yipes! We set the intention to bring more abundance into her business (through product sales); to protect her business and ward off the neighbors; and to create an atmosphere of love and happiness. Two weeks later, she told me that products were flying off the shelves and the illegal gambling business was moving! The power of setting intentions through ritual and space clearing is seriously AMAZING!
Is Space Clearing Part of Feng Shui
The practice of Feng Shui is all about balancing the energy in your space and the five elements – wind, water, earth, fire, and wood – and ensuring that your home has good energy flow and positive chi (energy) to bring blessings and good fortune into your life. Space clearing is a very important aspect of this, and it can be broken down into three steps - decluttering, cleaning, and energetically clearing through a space clearing ceremony or ritual.
The Bagua Map is the Feng Shui floor plan.
Our homes are an extension of our own energy and a direct reflection of us. So, whatever’s going on in your life is going to show up in your home and vice versa. What’s so incredible about Feng Shui is that it provides a roadmap to create real change in your life by making changes in your home like moving furniture, changing décor or space clearing. This roadmap is called the Bagua Map and it’s the Feng Shui floor plan that’s divided into nine equal sections dedicated to nine key areas of your life – Life Path and Career; Children and Creativity (Inner Child); Love; Fame and Reputation; Wealth (Abundance and Gratitude); Family and Community; Self-Knowledge (serenity and Bliss); and Health and Well-Being.
By placing this map over the floor plan of your home (it will be a square or rectangle based on the layout of your home), you can identify which rooms are associated with each area of your life and make changes like shifting the energy through space clearing to affect changes in those areas of your life. It’s powerful stuff!
Space Clearing Tools
There are many ways to perform a space clearing and a variety of space clearing tools. Most people are familiar with smudging - burning sage and fanning the smoke to transmute negative energy, remove energetic blocks and raise the vibration. I love using sage when someone has been sick or is currently ill because it does an excellent job of shifting that energy and the smoke has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties (it’s the hand sanitizer of space clearing!).
However, since smudging has become so popular, over-harvesting this sacred plant has become an issue. So, I prefer to use other methods of clearing like essential oils and flower essences in space clearing mists which are high vibrational room sprays that have been charged with positive intentions or burning other dried herbs like juniper, mugwort, and cedar, or palo santo which is a sacred wood that is sold as small sticks for burning.
My favorite way to perform a space clearing is with sound. I absolutely love my Balinese and Tibetan space clearing bells and find them to be super effective at shifting and uplifting energy. When you use a sacred sound instrument, it emits high vibrational sound waves that literally raise your vibration and the vibration of your space - clearing away blocks, density, and negativity. What’s so cool about this is that you' will hear the difference as you’re ringing the bell in different parts of the room. Room corners often accumulate stagnant energy, and the bell will not sound as clear or will sound muted or dissonant, but as you continue ringing, the sound will become clearer and crisper, literally clearing the air. You can use any positive and uplifting sound like drums, homemade rattles (kids love these!), singing bowls, tingshas, or even your own voice.
Another way to clear space is to use tools that physically move air like smudging fans, handheld fans or anything that makes a sweeping motion like a broom. For this method, set a strong intention of sweeping or fanning through the air to break up stuck, stagnant, and dense energy and get everything flowing and moving, especially in corners and around physical objects that would affect the flow of energy.
Fire and salt are also very powerful tools in space clearing. Fire transmutes negative energy into positive energy and salt, particularly Epsom salt, absorbs it. I use these elements when a space is weighed down by very heavy, dense, or negative energy.
For a super powerful clearing with fire and salt, place a firesafe bowl on top of a fire blanket or fireproof surface in the center of the room, adding a scoop of Epsom salt and a small amount of rubbing alcohol. (ALWAYS use fire safety precautions, ensuring that nothing flammable is nearby, keep a fire extinguisher handy, and NEVER leave the fire unattended. You may also want to test this in a safe area outside first, away from anything flammable). Before lighting the bowl, set the intention to invoke the element of fire to clear the space. As it’s burning, imagine all density and negativity burning away, leaving positive, harmonious energy in its place.
You can also use fire alone by burning a candle that has been infused with your intentions to completion. Three, seven and nine day candles are excellent for this method of clearing energy! Remember to follow fire safety precautions.
Salt is a great solo act as well in space clearing. Simply, leave Epsom salt in a bowl in the center of a room for 24 hours and it will absorb negativity. Dispose of it by flushing it down the toilet afterwards. I add this as an extra step in spaces that are especially dense and heavy for good measure.
As you can tell, there are many different tools that you can use for space clearing, but the best tool is your intuition. Trust your gut and use whatever feels right for you. Play around, experiment with different tools, and make it fun! Laughter and joy will add positive energy in your space so don’t be afraid to let loose and involve everyone in your house.
How to Do Space Clearing
To perform a really effective space clearing, it’s best to declutter and clean beforehand. Clutter literally pulls energy down and blocks the flow of chi. Dust and dirt have the same effect. However, you don’t have to go crazy Marie Kondo-ing your entire house and deep cleaning before every clearing. That’s an excellent thing to do when you need a BIG shift and have the time and energy. Any amount of cleaning or clearing that you do will add extra “juice” to your space clearing.
Before starting, crack windows throughout the house to help with energy flow and put away any food that is out so that it doesn’t absorb negative energy.
Next, it’s important to protect your energy and shield yourself from absorbing negativity. Do this in whatever ways feels right for you. You can say a prayer, call of your guides and angels or imagine creating a protective bubble of sparking white and golden light around you that shields you from lower vibes.
Most importantly, set your intention for the clearing! For example, “Please bless this home with love, happiness and peace.” or “Please clear all blocks to career growth and abundance and create a space of inspiration and growth.” Make it clear and concise.
To amplify your intention and recruit helpful spirits like your house guardian, guides, ancestors and angels, create an altar dedicated to the clearing. This will create sacred space and physically anchor the energy and positive intentions for the clearing and boost your manifesting power!
The altar is totally personal and can be as big or little and as simple or elaborate as you like. You can incorporate your religious and spiritual beliefs or just create something beautiful. I usually include candles and an altar cloth that represents the energy the client wants to bring into their space through color or imagery like roses for love or yellow for joy. You can add flowers, personal photos, and anything else that feels good – trust your intuition.
Open the space clearing ceremony by stating your intention or speaking a prayer or invocation out loud and express your gratitude for all helpful spirits including your home (it has a spirit too!). Close your eyes and focus on your intention, imaging the outcome that you would like to experience. If you want to fill your space with love, recall a memory when you felt so deeply loved. Really put yourself there and feel that love, allowing it to build in your heart until you’re overflowing with love. THIS is the feeling that you will spread throughout your house after you’ve cleared each room. Hold onto this and go back to that memory throughout the clearing.
Your front door is the mouth of chi – the place where energy enters your home. So, begin the space clearing ritual outside at the front door. Once you step inside, work in a clockwise direction (to move energy in a positive direction) around the house going room-by-room (work clockwise around each room too) clearing each space with your chosen tool.
Once you’ve cleared the energy in a space, it’s important to add positive energy with your intention. Standing in the middle of the room, focus on the positive feeling that you want to send, like love. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, recall a memory that strongly evokes love and imagine that you are sending that energy throughout the room. I like to imagine sparkling white and golden light radiating outwards from me and filling the entire space. It feels SO amazing to embody this! To preserve this energy, you can raise one arm and draw the infinity symbol in the air with the intention of creating an energetic loop of good vibes.
After you’ve cleared each room, stand in the middle of your home, and take a moment to reinforce your intention with the infinity symbol or speaking it out loud. Then thank your guides, angels, and anyone else who helped in the clearing. If that doesn’t resonate with you - that’s totally OK! Simply take a moment of gratitude for all the blessings in your life and all the blessings to come after this clearing because good things are officially “on order” with the Universe!
To preserve this good energy in your home, I recommend dedicating a crystal or crystals to the energy you want in your home through your intention. Place it in the center of your home or throughout your home to radiate positive energy and create a High Vibe Home℠.
You’re a powerful creator with the ability to shift, change and transmute energy to create the life of your dreams! You can raise the vibration of your space and yourself to affect incredible positive change in your life through space clearing.
You’re worthy of living your dreams and the energy in your home shouldn’t block you or pull you down. Your home should support you and energetically uplift you. It should be your refuge, your happy place, and the launching pad for your most blissful life. Space clearing can heal the energy in your home to remove blocks, stuck or stagnant energy, and get everything flowing in a positive, uplifting direction, that creates a life of balance, flow, and bliss.
There are many methods and tools for space clearing, but the most important part is YOU and your intention! So, play around and have fun spreading feel-good vibes throughout your house. You will be amazed by the blessings, synchronicities, and unexpected surprises that follow!
Need help with a space clearing?
Click the link below to book a distance space clearing now.
This is a remote energy healing for your home or business that can be performed no matter where you are located in the world. Everything is energy and we are all connected, regardless of physical distance. In this healing, I will tap into the energy of your space and perform a “deep clean” that will leave your space feeling lighter & brighter and give you and anyone in it a boost of positive energy to raise your vibration & attract blessings.