How to Cleanse and Purify Your Home of Negative Energy with Sound
Sound is an excellent way to cleanse and purify your home of negative energy and is my favorite way to perform a space clearing! It’s easy to do and is a very “user-friendly” method. You’ll actually be able to hear the difference as you clear a room. I love that this method gives you tangible proof that your space is energetically clear!
When you ring a bell, clap your hands, or use another instrument for sound clearing, you’re sending out healing frequencies. These sound waves break up dense and negative energy and cause the atmosphere in the space around you to resonate harmoniously, therefore neutralizing any negative energy in the air. Pretty freakin’ cool, right?!
I think it’s so amazing that positive, uplifting & sacred sounds have the power to shift and uplift energy! If you’re someone who likes to see proof, check out Masaru Emoto’s book, Messages in Water. It’s a great read and has visual evidence of the impact of positive and negative sounds on water.
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How to Cleanse a House of Negative Energy
To cleanse your house of negative energy, start by opening the windows. This creates good energy flow, brings in fresh chi (life force energy), and helps to transmute bad vibes.
Next, pick the tool that you’d like to use for cleansing with sound. I like to begin with something that will create a strong, sharp, and uplifting sound like a Tibetan bell, tingshas, or clapping your hands. This type of sound breaks up dense, negative, and stagnant energy. After using a sharper sound, I go back through the space with a softer, calmer sound by playing positive music or crystal singing bowls. If you don’t have sound clearing instruments, you can use anything you find at home that has a nice ring to it like tapping a wine glass or making your own rattle. You can drum, sing, clap or use anything you feel drawn to use. Make it fun!
Begin the sound clearing at the front door and go around your home room-by-room in a clockwise direction. As you are performing the space clearing, remember to hold a positive intention for the energy that you want to bring into your space, i.e. love, happiness, peace, calm, etc. Whatever it is, hold that feeling in your heart and spread it throughout each space as you move around your home. Play your instrument throughout each room, working in a clockwise direction, starting at the perimeter, and finishing in the middle. Set the intention that any density and negativity will be transmuted into positive loving energy.
Tibetan bell link: Mudra Crafts Tibetan Bell - Meditation Bell Dorje Set - Cleansing Bell Handmade in Nepal Large Brass
Playing positive music link: Bliss (I Am the Light of My Soul)
Crystal singing bowl link: ENERGYSOUND Frosted F Note Heart Chakra Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl 8 inch carrier one rubber mallet and one o-ring included
How to Sound Cleanse a Room
To energetically cleanse a room with sound, start at the entrance to the room and move in a circle around the room in a clockwise direction, playing your instrument, clapping your hands, or using your tool of choice like drums, homemade rattles, singing bowls, tingshas, or even your own voice. You’ll notice that in some areas, the sound will be dull, faint, or dissonant due to denser stagnant or negative energy. Spend some extra time here playing your instrument until you’re able to hear the notes become clearer, crisper, and more harmonious. This is how you’ll know that that space has been cleared. Once you’ve circled the room, finish the clearing by standing in the center of the room playing your instrument. When you feel that the sound clearing is complete, imagine sending positive energy (charged with your intention) throughout the room, filling the space with beautiful, sparkling light.
Space Clearing Ritual
To perform a space clearing ritual with sound, start by creating sacred space in the center of the home with an altar dedicated to the clearing and the energy that you want to bring into your home. For example, if you want to bring more love and abundance into your life, create an altar that represents this intention. You could place a green altar cloth and a malachite crystal for wealth and abundance with three pink candles and a rose quartz crystal for love. Your altar will hold the frequency of your intention so make it personal and beautiful!
Standing at the altar, state your intention for the clearing out loud and ask the Universe, God, your spirit guides, angels, ancestors or whoever feels right to you for assistance in the clearing. Light your candles and begin the clearing starting at the front door.
Ring your bell, clap your hands, or play your instrument at the front door until you feel that the sound is clear and crisp. Then begin the clearing inside, going room-to-room, working in a clockwise direction around the house and ending in the middle of your home.
Once you’ve cleared each room, stand in the center, and spread your positive intention throughout each space. For example, if you’re intention is to bring more love and abundance into your home, recall a memory where you felt deeply loved. Let that feeling fill you up, expanding out from your heart center into every nook and cranny of the room. Do the same exercise with a memory that makes you feel extremely abundant like a really lavish trip or extravagant splurge. Now, raise your hand and draw the infinity symbol in the air to activate an energetic loop of love and abundance that will play throughout your space.
At the end of the clearing, stand in the middle of your home and reaffirm your intention by speaking it out loud, thanking anyone who assisted in the physical, spiritual, and energetic clearing of your space. Bask in the feel-good vibes and know that your space has been uplifted and this positive energy will flow effortlessly into your life!
Purifying Your House
This space clearing ritual with sound will purify your house of negative energy. It will create a palpable difference that will leave you feeling elevated and wonderful in your space. Your home will feel lighter and brighter, and the air will be crisper and fresher. To keep this good feeling going, play positive music with an uplifting message and harmonious melodies and remember that you are responsible for the energy that you bring into your space. You are a powerful creator! So, be sure that you are creating a space of love and a high vibe home℠. <3